I Was Here

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kindness Counts

We live in a troubled world. For many people these days, just worrying about putting food on the table is more than they can take. Making ends meet may seem impossible. In our stressful lives, sometimes remembering what we did yesterday is tough to do. Yet, if you were to ask a person to describe a time when someone was kind to them, they can remember every single detail. How is that something that costs nothing for the giver, is so priceless to the receiver? Because kindness matters more than you will ever know.

You might wonder why an act of kindness may be hard to come by these days, especially since it is essentially free. More and more, the "me" generation seems to grow larger everyday. It is if people think the world revolves around them, and they cannot see past the end of their own nose. But, we are in control of our own destiny. Everything we put out there eventually returns to us. Kindness is a gift we should give without the expectation of something in return. But, it does seem that what goes around, comes around. So, every chance you get, show kindness. Imagine the possibilities.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Forgive and Forget?

The issue of forgiveness seems to be a hot topic these days. As a self-proclaimed "people pleaser", I have certainly done my share of forgiving in my lifetime. Many health care professionals say that we should forgive others as a gift to ourselves. Their theory is based on the logic that by doing so, we let go of the inner anger we harbor which only serves to eat away at us inside. Okay, I'll buy that. Surely, there are misunderstandings, and people deserve second chances. It is only human to make mistakes.

But what the flip side of this issue? What I find so interesting is that the biggest advocates of the "forgive and forget" motto, are actually the very individuals who require constant forgiveness. These "repeat offenders", manage to consistently justify their own bad behavior by placing blame on the person whom they believe should be more forgiving. What ever happened to taking responsibility for one's own actions?

So, this is what I want to know. How many times are we supposed to forgive the same people over and over again? Is 10, 20, 30 times enough? Or perhaps it should be unlimited. Does that mean we should give the same people a lifetime pass to do whatever they wish over and over again with no consequences? Forgiveness is a gift, not an obligation. It should not be assumed or expected. Most of all, it should never be taken for granted. One never knows when they have been forgiven for the very last time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

New Beginnings

I thought it would be appropriate on a brand new blog that I mention" new beginnings". Everyone at some point in their life comes to a fork in the road and must make a choice as to which path they will take. What may seem to be one simple decision, can actually result in an entirely new direction for one's life. As we travel through our own journey, our lives develop into chapters, much like those in a very long novel. Starting over can be very scary when a new chapter is before us without the knowledge of how the story will unfold. Nevertheless, we must turn the page and continue on.

Recently, people seem to get a charge out of reminding me, and incessantly so, that I am now an "empty nester" as they put it. Believe me, I don't need reminding. I'm well aware that the person I raised from her very first breath is now gone off to college a whole 4 hours away and out-of-state, no less. It is taking some time to get used to. Yes, I still have 2 dogs to care for, but that is not exactly the same as taking care of a human being. So, I've turned the page and started my new chapter. I haven't the slightest idea what the future holds, and so right now it is touch and go. It is time for a new beginning, and time to start over. I think that I'll do it slowly, just one second at a time.