I Was Here

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I have become a big fan of the Bravo TV Housewives series. Yes, I too got sucked in by the daily drama. Recently, on the Atlanta series, one of the housewives was lamenting about how she felt some of the other ladies were bringing her down. Her good friend responded by saying "Never let anyone take away your happy". It was simple, but so profoundly wise.

Of course, we are all ultimately responsible for our own happiness. Yet, often it is not surprising that others are not so happy FOR us. Misery loves company. There always seems to be someone that wants to bring us down because they are envious of our happiness. Jealousy is the root of all evil.

History has shown us that some of the most trying times we have faced in this country are rooted in jealousy. For the current generation, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 are a classic example. After all, what was the so-called reason for those attacks? The answer is obvious. The terrorists were jealous of Americans, our lifestyle, our freedom and our sense of security. We had something that they never had and probably never would. Did they succeed in harming those of whom were the objects of their jealousy? Yes, but nonetheless, their actions did not get them happiness, freedom or security. Instead, we now stand stronger, safer and still free.

There are those who declare their rightousness to hurt others as they climb the ladder to their own perceived happiness. But as we have seen over and over again, they soon discover that the fall back down to the ground is a long and painful one. And there they sit, surrounded by regrets and unable to turn back the hands of time. Their jealousy and envy returned them to where they had once begun, angry and bitter, wallowing in self pity.

It is said that what goes around, comes around. And indeed, it does. In fact, it is much sooner than one might think. In the words of a little 2-year old friend of mine..."Be happy". Never let anyone take it away.

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