I Was Here

Monday, October 29, 2012

Deja Vu

So, here we  sit again evacuated from our home for the second year in a row for a hurricane named "Sandy".  Now, mind you this is a different house at a different location compared to last year.  But, water is water, and it doesn't really matter where it is coming from, and when you are talking about the Atlantic Ocean, there is an unlimited supply.

It is funny though, that last year, I took with me so much more stuff.  My priorities seem different somehow.  Or maybe it is that we were lucky last time, and I am just a gambler this year.  Maybe. This is a big one they say.  A "hybrid" storm that is.  Never heard of one of those, but I am always willing to learn something new, except I would rather not live it in order to learn it.

So, today I am satisfied with just surviving in one piece hoping there is some sort of semblance of a home to go home to.  Dear Lord, please keep us all safe, grant us your mercy as mother nature cannot and give us the strength to somehow make it through with out too much loss.  In this case, deja vu would be a good thing.

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