I Was Here

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's Human

Recently in the wee hours of the morning, I found myself watching the newest crafting video of a favorite youtuber. At first, it seemed just like the usual informative and entertaining videos I was used to seeing on this particular channel. But, a few minutes into it, everything changed. What unfolded thereafter, was something that you might usually hear from someone sitting on a therapist's couch behind closed doors. With only the picture on the video of what was usually the busy hands of a crafter, was now just two hands folded together and unusually still. Her voice began to get a bit shaky, but her message was resoundingly clear. She spoke of her world being turned upside down by the realization that she and her husband would have to sell their home of 12 years, a home she thought she would someday "die in". Speaking of the anxiety, worry and fear of the unknown, it all spilled out in a matter of minutes. As if that was not enough, she was faced with going through all of the personal belongings of her parents whom had both passed away within the last 10 years.

I sat glued to the computer screen not sure of what to think. It would be impossible not to feel for this woman who had opened up her heart in this display of emotion, but there was part of me that thought, "She's going to regret this". But, I was wrong.

For within moments of posting that video, the woman was barraged with emails, youtube comments and text messages... FROM AROUND THE WORLD. They came from all corners of the earth, not expressions of criticism or ridicule, but messages of support and hope. They came from others sitting in tears at their computers, ipods, or whatever form of technology in which they viewed that 10 minutes of video. But, in the end, it came down to something not complicated at all. Simply put...the human experience.

I have always believed that the core of every human being is innately good. Though sometimes it takes a crisis to unite us, it reminds us to always have faith. I like it. It's good. I'm glad to know that the world hasn't "gone to hell in a hand basket"... after all.

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