I Was Here

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Different Kind of Year

For me, 2011 was a very bad year. Probably, one of the worst. A lot of not so nice people found their way into our lives and created a huge amount of chaos. But, I have always been a self-proclaimed survivor, and I am once again determined to "triumph over adversity", shall we say. Nice guys may finish last, but they also get the last word. I have said what I had to say, and now I'm done. Time to move on and get on with new business. No more time to waste.

So, it is a new year. Thank God for that. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. But, I am resolved to making 2012 a better year, if not a good one. Sometimes we need to take back the control we should have over our own lives rather than allowing others to run it for us. So, if anyone is interested, I'm in charge on this end once again. So, don't even think about challenging me. You will never win. Not a chance. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

When all else fails, there is always our faith in something greater than we are. I wouldn't consider myself a very religious person, but I believe in God. And he believes in us. Each of us has a guardian angel sent to us by God at the time of our birth. That angel stands to the right of you and will walk beside you throughout your life. If you speak, they will listen. And if you listen, they will speak. Sometimes we forget to believe or doubt there is something there to guide and protect us. We are here only to learn the lessons that God wants us to learn before we cross over to the other side. In 2002, during a very dangerous car accident, I went there for a brief few moments. The other side, I mean. Believe me when I say that it will be worth all of our trials and tribulations and all the suffering and challenges we face here on earth. We will be rewarded with great peace and contentment beyond anything we have experienced in the earthly world. I did not want to return to this life, but it was not my time. There is nothing to fear in case you have your doubts. I can promise you that. Just believe. Make the new year a different kind of year. Make it a good one.

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